GSM technology can provide a sophisticated theft alert system for bank locker system. The embedded I/O unit automates the inner door and entry door. The inner door always kept open. There are two modes in this project one is normal mode and another one is security mode. In normal mode an authorized person can open the locker key and he can close the entry door. At that time GSM never send the message to the required person. If any person tries to open the locker key in security mode, the inner door will be closed automatically and SMS is transferred to the required person’s hand phone. After identifying the theft an authorized person can automate the inner door through the SMS. The GSM module is connected with the microcontroller through serial port. Using ‘AT’ commands the SMS is transferred to the GSM module. The GSM module converts the digital information into airborne signals. Through GSM network the SMS is transferred to the required person’s hand phone. This system offers better solution for the Bank security system and also it will help you to track the intruder.
The embedded microcontroller used here is 89C51 microcontroller. Since, this microcontroller has in-built peripherals it is called as embeddeded peripheral the microcontroller has flash memory.
For complete details:- GSM Based Banking Security System Project
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