
Find address of BSNL caller and Trace or catch the caller

Wanna know Address of the girl you like?, or address of your friend?. It is so easy to trace the addresses, just you need is their phone number.

EXAMPLE: For tracing the address of a number located in GOA (India) just log in to


After logging in, select the area (city) to which the phone number belong and then proceed further.

In the option “Search by” , select Telephone number. select the station to which the phone no. belongs and finally write the phone number in the “Search key field” . In this way the address of that particular number will be traced.

For selecting any other state of India, log on to http://www.bsnl.co.in/index.html .

In the Right hand side you see the “BSNL units” option (above Username field), select your state from the menu and then proceed further.